What's new this year?
The Cavalier Alumni Association had its third official Board Call last night (1/25) to discuss motives for 2018 and opportunities to engage our alumni and support the corps.
The Board Call Minutes are shared here for you, as a FMM, to read and feel included in our development as a whole organization.
You will notice Action Items at the bottom of the Minutes, which are tangible goals we seek to accomplish between Board Calls, and we need YOUR help as an alumni to fulfill them.
If you would like to join a Sub-Committee to accomplish any of our goals, simply send an email to the designated Board Member for each action item (firstname.lastname@cavaliers.org) or post in the Alumni Association Facebook page and tag your Board Member.
Also, be sure to sign up for our Alumni-On Call and Housing Connections Programs below. We need YOUR help to ensure the highest quality experience for our 2018 corps!
Thanks for all of your involvement, and we hope 2018 is treating you well!