What's happening this February?


The Cavalier Alumni Association had its fourth official Board Call last night (2/22) to discuss motives for 2018 and opportunities to engage our alumni and support the corps. The Board Call Minutes are shared here for you, as a FMM, to read and feel included in our development as a whole organization.

One of the developments mentioned that we are most excited to share with you are the creation of Alumni Chapters!  We recently had New York and Cincinnati Chapter meetings, and they were a BLAST!

If you would like to plan an event and create a local Chapter in your greater city area, please send a group email to the following Board addresses:



CAA Board of Directors Position Open

We are conducting a special election to fill a vacancy on the Board of Directors.  If you would like to nominate yourself or another qualified candidate, submit a nomination here  BEFORE Friday, March 9th.

Thanks for all of your involvement, and be sure to sign up our Alumni On-Call Program, Pre-Finals Party, and Housing Connections Programs!