2018, 2019, 2020 - Hornline - mellophone

Current Role

Student Success Coach City Year AmeriCorps


  • Out of the box thinking

  • Familiar with the most recent staff and Corps culture

  • Good at working in groups and team settings

  • Experience working on my fraternity executive board

  • My approach to leading is through service and listening to others. I don't want to be on the board for the clout or resume boost, I want to be on the board to serve the CAA.


As a member of the CAA BoD, I would strive to create a closer bond across generations of Cavaliers. I would like to focus on ways to engage new and old members of the CAA no matter the level of involvement someone is interested in. I would also like to find ways to be more involved in the current Corps initiation process and the Corps' mission and vision statements.


  • Work closely with the 2022 JOs to include the CAA closely in the initiation process.

  • Conduct a poll of CAA members to gauge what they'd like to see from the CAA and their level of interest.

  • Promote the Alumni LinkedIn and create a secondary document for alums to connect with others in their field. I foresee this resource helping to connect CMMs with Cavalier band directors in need of techs, connect younger brothers to experts in their field, and allow for more professional development and mentorship across our brotherhood.


I would love for the CAA to have a larger presence and impact on the members before they age out. With less Cavaliers on staff in recent years, I think the CAA has an opportunity and obligation to step in and fill that void for the current members in order to teach them what it means to be a Cavalier on and off the field, in your personal life, in the workplace, etc. Finally, I want to see the CAA embrace a brotherhood based on love through our actions and leave behind alienating versions of our brotherhood.