Trumpet - 2012

Zach Smith 500.jpg

Current Role

Director of Bands at Waterloo High School, Director of Operations, Social Media and Visual Technician at Chromium Winds


  • Dedication

  • Drive

  • Compassion

  • Empathy

  • Creativity


"As a candidate for the CAA Board of Directors I feel that it is imperative that we continue to foster an environment of growth within our organization and in support of the Current Marching members of the drum corps.

As a member of the CAA I have been unrelenting (and sometimes over the top) about the issues in which I am passionate about. I will continue to press forward in this manner to make sure that the Cavalier Alumni Association is representative of ALL the former marching members of the Cavaliers."


  • Fostering, educating, and promoting anti-racist policies and education to help create a safe environment for all of our BIPOC/LGBTQA+ Future, Current, and Former Marching Members of the Cavaliers.

  • By continuing to foster an inclusive environment for all of our FMMs I am hopeful to create a stronger network where alumni (both young and old) feel comfortable and able to donate in ways that are not monetary. As the old saying goes "this thing doesn't run on love" but more hands makes less work. I also hope to coordinate with the powers that be to get the drum corps needs broadcasted earlier - we all have busy lives and WANT to help, but we need time to make plans

  • My third project would be continuing to explore ways that the Cavalier Alumni Association can give back to our local communities. Whether that is in specific fundraising for scholarship monies for those unable to afford the drum corps or extending our expertise (in both music and other academic studies) in major-metropolitan areas I feel strongly that the Cavalier Alumni Association could be a benefit to any and all communities in which our membership lies. I hope to tap this potential so that we, as an Alumni Association, can spread the reach of The Cavaliers Arts - Performance - Education platform beyond the means of just our DCI and WGI Groups.


At the end of the day, the fraternity of the Cavaliers is a sacred one. We all hold our experiences with one another and the drum corps near and dear to our heart, but we must also understand that all experiences are not the same. Current CAA Leadership has done an excellent job stepping up to the task of recognizing that our differences make us stronger and I hope to join those ranks to make a stronger, more unified, anti-racist, and inclusive environment for ALL FMMs who have come through our ranks! Splooie, brothers!