Dear fellow Cavaliers,

Today we are kicking off the election for the six (6) open positions on the Cavalier Alumni Association (CAA) Board of Directors. For those of you that nominated your fellow Cavalier brothers, thank you. Now the time has come for all of us alumni to participate - BY VOTING!

We have reached out to all of the nominees and those that accepted their nomination are now officially candidates. Everyone is a phenomenal candidate this year, so please read through all of the bios carefully and follow the instructions on voting.

The Board of Directors (BOD) is the governing body of the Alumni Association.

The BOD consists of 11 alumni, including a President (voting member of The Cavaliers Arts, Performance & Education (CAPE) Board of Directors), Vice President, and Secretary.

In addition, once our 2022 Board Members are elected, the CAA Board will then vote on our recently introduced officer roles of Historian and Communications to help bolster our history preservation and alumni communications.

Remaining on the Board finishing their 2-year term are Brandon Barrometti, Ryan Ling, Ezekiel Jackson, Philip Mayard, and Jordan Yi.

Being a member of the Board is a prestigious responsibility that demands:

  • Flexibility to attend monthly conference calls

  • Decisiveness to vote on important alumni matters

  • Initiative on project management and task forces

  • Vision for the future of our beloved organizations

Elections will close on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 9 PM EST.


Brandon Barrometti - President of the Cavalier Alumni Association (CAA).


Due to a minor technical issue, we are EXTENDING the voting submission to

Friday, January 14, 2022 at 9 PM EST.

NOTE: If you have already voted, you WILL NOT need to vote again.


Cavalier Alumni Association | Rosemont, IL

Brandon Barrometti - President | Dan Hough - Vice President | Norman Dziedzic - Secretary

Ian Caldwell, Hunter Dougie, Nathan Huxtable, Ezekiel Jackson, Ryan Ling,

Philip Mayard, John Timmins, Jordan Yi

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